
Add an option to delete all the folder content to the Right Click Context Menu

It can be a real struggle to delete all the files in different folders. You can though all the folder and sub folders one by one, but that could take a lot of time if you are like me and have a lot of files in different sub folders. to make this proses easier we are going to add the ‘Delete Folder Contents’ option to the right-click context menu which appears when you right-click on a folder.

Delete Folder Contents

Adding ‘Delete Folder Content’ to the Right Click Context Menu

Start by going to the desktop of your Windows installation


Click start and type regedit in the search box and open by hitting enter


In Regedit, go to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell


In the regedit editor, right-click on the Shell map, create a new Key and name it Delete Folder Contents


Select the Delete Folder Contents, right-click and create a new key named command


Click the command folder, and in the right panel double-click on (Default) string value and type cmd /c “cd /d %1 && del /s /q *.* in the value data field and hit OK


Close the regedit editor and restart your computer to activate the changes.
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