The phone name in Windows 10 is used to identify to who the phone belongs, however it’s used for Bluetooth, WiFi and so many other things as well. If you made a mistake during set-up or at any other moment, and you wish to reset it, then this guide can surely help you. In this tutorial we explain How to Change Phone Name in Windows 10 Mobile.
Let’s get to it.
Changing the Phone Name
1. Open the phone’s settings.
2. Then click on System

3. Then slide down till you see the option About
4. Then click on About
5. Then click under “Device Name” on Edit Name
That’s it, now enter the name you want the device to have, and click on Save, and you’re done!
Did you know that you can use the search bar and type Device Name? It will then automatically go to the right page!
We hope this tutorial helped you with changing the name of your Windows 10 Mobile device.