Useful Tips Windows 8

Default File Associations

A full overview of all Default File Associations.

This list is for reference after changing default programs, this list was complined right after installing Windows 8.1 Pro. You are free to share this list, but please put a link back to this post.


File Description Default   App / Application
.3g2 3G2 File Video
.3gp 3GP File Video
.3gp2 3GPP2 Audio/Video Windows Media Player
.3gpp 3GPP File Video
.aac AAC File Music
.adt ADTS Audio Windows Media Player
.adts ADTS Audio Windows Media Player
.aif AIFF Format Sound Windows Media Player
.aifc AIFF Format Sound Windows Media Player
.aiff AIFF Format Sound Windows Media Player
.appcontent-ms Application Content Windows Shell Common Dll
.application Application Manifest ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library
.appref-ms Application Reference ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library
.arw ARW File Photos
.asf Windows Media Audio/Video file Windows Media Player
.asx Windows Media Audio/Video playlist Windows Media Player
.au AU Format Sound Windows Media Player
.avi AVI File Video
.blg Performance Monitor File Resource and Performance Monitor
.bmp BMP File Photos
.camp WCS Viewing Condition Profile Microsoft Color Control Panel
.cat Security Catalog Crypto Shell Extensions
.cda CD Audio Track Windows Media Player
.cdmp WCS Device Profile Microsoft Color Control Panel
.cdxml Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Definition XML Document Notepad
.cer Security Certificate Crypto Shell Extensions
.chm Compiled HTML Help file Microsoft® HTML Help Executable
.compositefont Composite Font File Notepad
.contact Contact file Windows Contacts
.cpl Control panel item Windows Control Panel
.cr2 CR2 File Photos
.crl Certificate Revocation List Crypto Shell Extensions
.crt Security Certificate Crypto Shell Extensions
.crw CRW File Photos
.css Cascading Style Sheet Document Notepad
.dctx Open Extended Dictionary Microsoft IME Open Extended Dictionary Module
.dctxc Open Extended Dictionary Microsoft IME Open Extended Dictionary Module
.der Security Certificate Crypto Shell Extensions
.deskthemepack Windows Desktop Theme Pack File Personalization CPL
.diagcab Troubleshooting Pack Cabinet Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard
.diagcfg Troubleshooting Pack Configuration Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard
.diagpkg Troubleshooting Pack Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizard
.dib DIB File Photos
.divx DIVX File Video
.docx Office Open XML Document WordPad
.dvr-ms Microsoft Recorded TV Show Windows Media Player
.dwfx XPS Document XPS Viewer
.easmx XPS Document XPS Viewer
.edrwx XPS Document XPS Viewer
.emf EMF File Paint
.eprtx XPS Document XPS Viewer
.erf ERF File Photos
.evt Classic Event Log Event Viewer Snapin Launcher
.evtx Event Log Event Viewer Snapin Launcher
.fon Font file Windows Font Viewer
.gif GIF File Photos
.gmmp WCS Gamut Mapping Profile Microsoft Color Control Panel
.group Group file Windows Contacts
.hlp Help file Windows Winhlp32 Stub
.hta HTML Application Microsoft (R) HTML Application host
.htm HTML Document Internet Explorer
.html HTML Document Internet Explorer
.icc ICC Profile Microsoft Color Control Panel
.icm ICC Profile Microsoft Color Control Panel
.ico Icon Windows Photo Viewer
.imesx IME Search provider definition IME search module
.inf Setup Information Notepad
.ini Configuration settings Notepad
.jfif JFIF File Photos
.jnt Journal Document Windows Journal
.jpe JPE File Photos
.jpeg JPEG File Photos
.jpg JPG File Photos
.js JavaScript File Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
.jse JScript Encoded Script File Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
.jtp Journal Template Windows Journal
.jtx XPS Document XPS Viewer
.jxr JXR File Photos
.kdc KDC File Photos
.log Text Document Notepad
.m1v Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.m2t M2T File Not selected
.m2ts M2TS File Not selected
.m2v Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.m3u M3U File Not selected
.m4a M4A File Music
.m4v M4V File Video
.mfp Macromedia Flash Paper Internet Explorer
.mht MHTML Document Internet Explorer
.mhtml MHTML Document Internet Explorer
.mid MIDI Sequence Windows Media Player
.midi MIDI Sequence Windows Media Player
.mig Easy Transfer file Windows Easy Transfer Application
.mlc Language Pack File Language Pack Installer
.mod MOD File Not selected
.mov MOV File Video
.mp2 MP3 Format Sound Windows Media Player
.mp2v Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.mp3 MP3 File Music
.mp4 MP4 File Video
.mp4v MP4V File Video
.mpa Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.mpe Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.mpeg Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.mpg Movie Clip Windows Media Player
.mpv2 MPV2 File Not selected
.mrw MRW File Photos
.msc Microsoft Common Console Document Microsoft Management Console
.msi Windows Installer Package Windows® installer
.msp Windows Installer Patch Windows® installer
.msrcincident Windows Remote Assistance Invitation Windows Remote Assistance
.msu Microsoft Update Standalone Package Windows Update Standalone Installer
.mts AVCHD Video Windows Media Player
.nef NEF File Photos
.nfo System Information File System Information
.nrw NRW File Photos
.odt OpenDocument Text WordPad
.orf ORF File Photos
.otf OpenType font file Windows Font Viewer
.oxps OXPS File Reader
.p12 Personal Information Exchange Crypto Shell Extensions
.p7b PKCS #7 Certificates Crypto Shell Extensions
.p7c Certificate file Windows Contacts
.p7r Certificate Request Response Crypto Shell Extensions
.p7s PKCS #7 Signature Crypto Shell Extensions
.pano PANO File Photos
.partial Partial Download Internet Explorer
.pbk Dial-Up Phonebook Remote Access Phonebook
.pdf PDF File Reader
.pef PEF File Photos
.perfmoncfg Performance Monitor Configuration Resource and Performance Monitor
.pfm Type 1 Font file Windows Font Viewer
.pfx Personal Information Exchange Crypto Shell Extensions
.png PNG File Photos
.prf PICS Rules File Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL
.printerexport Printer Migration File PrintBrm Application
.ps1 Windows PowerShell Script Notepad
.ps1xml Windows PowerShell XML Document Notepad
.psc1 Windows PowerShell Console File Windows PowerShell
.psd1 Windows PowerShell Data File Notepad
.psm1 Windows PowerShell Script Module Notepad
.pssc Windows PowerShell Session Configuration File Notepad
.qds Directory Query Directory Service Find
.raf RAF File Photos
.rat Rating System File Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL
.raw RAW File Photos
.rdp Remote Desktop Connection Remote Desktop Connection
.reg Registration Entries Registry Editor
.resmoncfg Resource Monitor Configuration Resource and Performance Monitor
.rle RLE File Paint
.rmi MIDI Sequence Windows Media Player
.rtf Rich Text Document WordPad
.rw2 RW2 File Photos
.rwl RWL File Photos
.scp Text Document Notepad
.sct Windows Script Component Notepad
.settingcontent-ms Setting Content Windows Shell Common Dll
.snd AU Format Sound Windows Media Player
.spc PKCS #7 Certificates Crypto Shell Extensions
.sr2 SR2 File Photos
.srw SRW File Photos
.sst Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store Crypto Shell Extensions
.svg SVG Document Internet Explorer
.theme Windows Theme File Personalization CPL
.themepack Windows Theme Pack File Personalization CPL
.tif TIF File Reader
.tiff TIFF File Reader
.tod TOD File Video
.ts MPEG-2 TS Video Windows Media Player
.ttc TrueType collection font file Windows Font Viewer
.ttf TrueType font file Windows Font Viewer
.tts MPEG-2 TS Video Windows Media Player
.txt Text Document Notepad
.udl Microsoft Data Link OLE DB Core Services
.url Internet Shortcut Internet Browser
.vbe VBScript Encoded Script File Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
.vbs VBScript Script File Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
.vcf VCard file Windows Contacts
.wab WAB file Windows Contacts
.wav WAV File Music
.wax Windows Media Audio shortcut Windows Media Player
.wcx RemoteApp and Desktop Connections Configuration File Extensible Wizards Host Process
.wdp WDP File Photos
.webpnp Web Point And Print File Support exe for Internet Printing
.website Pinned Site Shortcut Internet Explorer
.wm WM File Video
.wma WMA File Music
.wmd Windows Media Player Download Package Windows Media Player
.wmf WMF File Paint
.wms Windows Media Player Skin File Windows Media Player
.wmv WMV File Video
.wmx Windows Media Audio/Video playlist Windows Media Player
.wmz Windows Media Player Skin Package Windows Media Player
.workfolders Microsoft Workfolders Windows Control Panel
.wpl Windows Media playlist Windows Media Player
.wsc Windows Script Component Notepad
.wsf Windows Script File Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
.wsh Windows Script Host Settings File Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
.wtv Windows Recorded TV Show Windows Media Player
.wtx Text Document Notepad
.wvx Windows Media Audio/Video playlist Windows Media Player
.xaml Windows Markup File Windows Presentation Foundation Host
.xbap XAML Browser Application Windows Presentation Foundation Host
.xht XHTML Document Internet Explorer
.xhtml XHTML Document Internet Explorer
.xml XML Document Internet Explorer
.xps XPS File Reader
.xrm-ms XrML Digital License Internet Explorer
.xsl XSL Stylesheet Internet Explorer
.xvid XVID File Video
.zpl ZPL File Music
AUDIOCALL-MESSENGER URL:audiocall-messenger Skype
AUDIOCALL-SKYPE-COM URL:audiocall-skype-com Skype
BINGFINANCE URL:bingfinance Finance
BINGFOODANDDRINK URL:bingfoodanddrink Food & Drink
BINGHEALTHNFITNESS URL:binghealthnfitness Health & Fitness
BINGMAPS URL:bingmaps Maps
BINGNEWS URL:bingnews News
BINGSPORTS URL:bingsports Sports
BINGTRAVEL URL:bingtravel Travel
BINGWEATHER URL:bingweather Weather
EXPLORER.BURNSELECTION File Explorer ‘Burn to disc’ button Windows Explorer
EXPLORER.ERASEDISC File Explorer ‘Erase this disc’ button Windows Explorer
EXPLORER.ZIPSELECTION File Explorer ‘Zip’ button Windows Explorer
FTP URL:File Transfer Protocol Internet Explorer
HTTP URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol Internet Explorer
HTTPS URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy Internet Explorer
LDAP URL:LDAP Protocol Windows Contacts
MAILTO URL:mailto Mail
MESSAGE-MESSENGER URL:message-messenger Skype
MESSAGE-SKYPE-COM URL:message-skype-com Skype
MICROSOFTMUSIC URL:microsoftmusic Music
MICROSOFTVIDEO URL:microsoftvideo Video
MK URL:MK Protocol Internet Explorer
MMS URL:MMS Protocol Windows Media Player
MS-MAIL URL:ms-mail Mail
PROFILE-FACEBOOK-COM URL:profile-facebook-com People
PROFILE-GOOGLE-COM URL:profile-google-com People
PROFILE-LINKEDIN-COM URL:profile-linkedin-com People
PROFILE-LYNC-COM URL:profile-lync-com People
PROFILE-MESSENGER URL:profile-messenger People
PROFILE-OUTLOOK-COM URL:profile-outlook-com People
PROFILE-SKYPE-COM URL:profile-skype-com People
PROFILE-TWITTER-COM URL:profile-twitter-com People
PROFILE-WEIBO-COM URL:profile-weibo-com People
PROFILE-YAHOO-COM URL:profile-yahoo-com People
RES URL:RES Protocol Internet Explorer
SEARCH Windows Search protocol Windows Explorer
SKYPE URL:skype Skype
SMS URL:sms Skype
TEL URL:tel Skype
VIDEOCALL-MESSENGER URL:videocall-messenger Skype
VIDEOCALL-SKYPE-COM URL:videocall-skype-com Skype
WINDOWSREADINGLIST URL:windowsreadinglist Reading List
WLCALENDAR URL:wlcalendar Calendar
WLPEOPLE URL:wlpeople People
XBOXGAMES URL:xboxgames Games
List complined by Yuri Pustjens.