Windows has a special user which is the guest account. This account gives people you don’t know or don’t really trust limited access to your computer. They, for example, cannot install any applications or access user files from users on your system.
The guest account, for example, can be very handy on your family computer when you have visitors that want to search for something on the web or want to show their holiday pictures.
In this article, we are going to take a look at “How to Enable or Disable the Guest Account in Windows 10 using Command Prompt”. Let’s get started shall we? The instructions are for Windows 10 however they also work on Windows 8 and below.
Enabling the Guest Account
1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
2. Type the following command to enable the guest account on your system
net user guest /active:yes
If you did all the steps right you should receive the message “The command completed successfully” and the guest account will be available on your next sign-in. If you however receive “System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied.” then double click if you started Command Prompt as Administrator. This is required because adding, editing or removing user accounts is something only computer administrators can do.
Disabling the Guest Account
These steps are quite the same actually as enabling the guest account, however now we are going to set active to no, that’s the only difference.
1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
2. Type the following command to enable the guest account on your system
net user guest /active:no
If you did all the steps right you should receive the message “The command completed successfully” and the guest account will no longer be available on your next sign-in. If you however receive “System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied.” then double click if you started Command Prompt as Administrator. This is required because adding, editing or removing user accounts is something only computer administrators can do.
That’s really all you have to do, simple isn’t it? We hope this article successfully helped you to enable or disable the Guest Account in Windows 10 with Command Prompt. If you however still have questions or the article did not help you, then please feel free to visit our forums where volunteers are happy to assist you for free.