Windows 10 Mobile by default adds information to the pictures and video’s you take, where they were recorded, when they were recorded, with what filter, ISO, and so on. I already said it, where they were recorded. Like many other phones, such as Android and Ios, Windows 10 mobile saves the Geographical Location where the image was taken (GPS-Coordinates). If you want for some reason this disabled, then this tutorial will help you disable Location info in Pictures and Video’s you take.
How to Enable / Disable Location Info in Pictures and Video’s you Take
1. Go to your phone’s settings.
2. Once you’re in settings, Tap on Devices

3. Once you’re in devices, Tap on Camera

4. Now you can set the slider to whatever setting you want, if you set it to on, then Windows 10 mobile will save all info to the image, if you slide it to off, then Windows 10 mobile will no longer save all info to the pictures and video’s you take. The choice is up to you, you can always change this setting later if needed.

We hope this tutorial helped you to Enable or Disable Location Info in Pictures and Video’s you Take in Windows 10 Mobile, If you have any more questions then feel free to visit our forums, were we will help you for free with any issues your having with any Windows related device.