
Why Is Everybody Moving To Windows 10?

Whenever a new operating system is announced, it comes with a whole bunch of new features and upgrades to entice today’s consumers. The introduction of Windows 10 seems to have been particularly popular. Here are a few reasons why so many people have made the move.

Free Upgrade

There is nothing that will grasp a consumer’s attention more than the word ‘free’. Microsoft is offering a free upgrade to Windows 10 for anyone who is already running Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 – that’s if they upgrade within a year of the Windows 10’s launch.

A free upgrade is a great incentive to make sure that as many people as possible will move onto the Windows 10 operating system within the first year of its launch. By having so many people running Windows 10 it will make the move more appealing to those who’re still running older versions. This will be ideal for Microsoft when people who were slow off the mark to get the free upgrade, will now have to pay.

You also have to consider how this will benefit businesses that are currently running any of the previously mentioned operating systems. Especially small businesses that may not have the funds to pay out for software upgrades, but now can benefit from new features and upgrades for free.

Not Your Everyday Operating System

Instead of just offering people an upgraded version of their previous system, with the addition of some new features, it seems that Microsoft have decided to take a different approach. An approach that is looking like it will change the future of their current operating systems for good.

Rather than your run-of-the-mill upgraded software, Windows 10 is being delivered as a service. This means that once you have upgraded a device to Windows 10, it will continue to be current by automatically upgrading and adding new features. Out of the box, Windows 10 has many powerful new features, which make it one of the best home computer operating systems on the market today.

Now that Microsoft is likely to be sticking with Windows 10 for the foreseeable future, rather than churning out a new operating system every couple of years, it gives consumers more faith in a system that works. Being able to familiarise yourself with an operating system, whilst benefitting from a number of additional upgrades over time seems to be a big selling point of Windows 10.

Business Owners

Microsoft has put a lot of focus of Windows 10’s usefulness to business owners, especially the small to medium sized companies. With the ever-increasing amount of people opting for a life of self-employment, this market will continue to become more profitable.

Microsoft seems to release a new form of tablet or similar device very often these days, all advertising the ease of which you’ll be able to handle business. This combined with the on-going service style of Windows 10 and the free upgrade, have formed a very appealing package for business owners. Read CNET’s review to learn more.

With so many people making the move to Windows 10, it will be interesting to see where Microsoft go from here in terms of further developing their service style operating system. With so much focus on the benefits of using Windows 10 for business it could prove to be the selling point for a lot of small business owners, especially as it’s a one-time payment to stay current for years to come.

Guest blog article written by Dave Wilding is a Microsoft Small Business Specialist at Shadowfax, with Sales Specialisms in Microsoft, Cisco, NetApp & Citrix technologies.

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