Keeping your system up to date is the best way to avoid virusses, malware, and other exploits beign present on your system, which would allow malicious access to your system. But where can you find which is the latest stable version of Windows 10?
Finding out which version / release of Windows 10 your using
First we need to know which version of Windows 10 you are using, otherwise the latest stable version number will tell you absoluty nothing.
First off all open the Windows 10 settings, then head to System

Once there click in the left pane menu on About. Once you’ve done that scroll down till you find the heading Windows Specifications. You will be able to see your OS build under OS Build. In the example below it’s 18363.1316

Finding out which is the latest stable Windows 10 release from Microsoft
Once you know which version of Windows 10 you’re running you can check if it’s the latest version. You can find that information on Microsoft docs. Head to Windows 10 – release information | Microsoft Docs.
There will be a table, the easiest way to see which is the newest is by looking at the row which states; Microsoft recommends, otherwise simply look for the latest availability date.

As you can see in my example, our system is running an older version 1909 and is currently upgrading to 20H2. We hope this article has helped you on how to find the latest Windows version number and checking yours. If you need more help on finding out which version of Windows 10 your running or to check if your running the latest version of Windows 10, than feel free to leave a comment