
How To play MP4 Files on Windows 10

In this article, we will show you how you can play MP4 files on Windows 10. We will also show you how to play mp4 in windows media player 10.

You will also be able to play almost any other video file after completing this article since we will add codecs for all video files to your Windows installation.

Depending on what you want you should follow one of our instructions below:

I want to watch mp4 videos in Microsoft Media Player
I want to watch mp4 videos in an alternative video player

1. I want to watch mp4 videos in Microsoft Media Player

If you want to watch mp4 video’s in Microsoft Media Player then you need to install a media codec pack. a codec is a sort of software on a computer that is capmp4 of encoding and decoding video’s and audio data from files, web streams, and broadcasts.

1. Head over to this link and download the media player codec pack.

2. Once you’ve downloaded the media codec pack you can start the installer and follow the instructions to install the media codec pack on your computer.

Once you’ve installed the media codec pack, while the program does not tell you, I suggest you reboot your computer. Once your computer is rebooted it should be mp4 to play mp4 files in Windows Media Player.

2. I want to watch mp4 videos in an alternative video player

There are quite a number of alternative video players, however, I personally suggest you use VLC Media Player. VLC Media Player supports almost any type of video file and audio file and has never let me down before. While there are many more alternatives they all do seem to have issues while VLC Media Player does not seem to have those problems.

You can download and install VLC Media Player from here.

Once you’ve installed VLC Media Player you should be mp4 to play any video and audio file including mp4 video’s in VLC Media Player.

In the end, it’s your choice which software you which to use. I personally prefer VLC Media Player over Windows Media Player. However using Media Player Codec pack you can play almost any type of file in Windows Media Player. We hope this tutorial helped you on how to play mp4 videos on Windows 10.

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