
How to Reset Google Chrome without Loosing Bookmarks

When you are having problems with Chrome running slowly, or have been infected with a Browser-Hijacker. Then you might want to reset Google Chrome, but still you don’t want to lose your bookmarks, then what do you do? This guide will show you how to do just that, lets get started shall we.

Access Google Chrome Settings

Method 1: Go to the Chrome Settings trough the Menu

1. First open Chrome, hit the three black bars in the top right of your browser. Click settings.

Trough Menu


Method 2: Trough the Access Bar

1. Or simply copy and paste or type chrome://settings into the chrome search bar and hit enter.

Chrome Settings trough Address Bar


Resetting your Settings

2. Now scroll down and select, Show Advanced Settings.

Show Advanced Settings


3. Scroll down again, then click on Reset Settings.

Reset Settings


4 You will be prompted one last time, hit the Reset button.

Reset Settings


Now simply close Chrome and Restart. You may be interested in the Chrome Software Removal Tool. (srt) to remove potential bad software, which may conflict with Chrome.

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