
Looking for Contributors

WindowsInstructed is Looking for Content Writers (Guest blogging also allowed).

WindowsInstructed is a new website, at the time of writing this post precisely two weeks public, and we are looking for more passionated people to help us write, share and make WindowsInstructed the place for people having troubles to find their solution, or just for people to learn useful tweaks for their Windows installation.

Do you always wanted to write tutorials, guides and helpful reviews? WindowsInstructed is now open for anyone to contribute their expertise with the World. Read below for more information




What do we want from you?

  1. Their is no required amount of posts you’ll have to do, its all up to you!
  2. You can write good English sentences
  3. You need to be an expert in Windows.


What kind of content do we want?

  1. We want unique content, no copy and paste content.
  2. We want content users can execute. For example, we don’t need complex powershell scripts.


What can we offer you?

  1. All our authors are allowed to have a link back to their own website underneath their own posts (in their biography) (links include Follow for search engines)
  2. Your website will be listed in a system we currently designing with useful links to other sites.
  3. You can ask for an email account
  4. Full credits will be given of course!

I want to join, or can I have some more information?

Just fill in the form below, and Yuri will contact you! Or leave a comment below

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