
Remove Malware, Viruses & Spyware With Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud

In this tutorial I will show you how to remove Malware, Viruses & Spyware with Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner.


Ever wanted a second opinion or a third? Well you will get just that, with this on demand cloud scanner. Herd Protect uses 68 malware scanners and the best part is detection and removal of viruses, adware, malware, and search hijackers is free to you. The scanner will use a very small amount of resources, when scanning your machine. You should disable your antivirus prior to running this scan.

[symple_box color=”yellow” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””] An active internet connection is needed for this scan, because the scans are done in the cloud.

Using Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner.

1. Download the portable version of Herd Protect

2. Save the program to your desktop. Right-click the icon    and select Run as Administrator.

3. Click Next then Next Again. Agree to the terms of use (if you agree to them!) then click finish to launch the program. The default settings for the program are just fine, there is no need to change them. Once the program has launched, then go ahead click on the scan button.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner

4. Make sure and read the entire paragraph, then hit OK.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner – Read the Warning!

5. Once you have completed the initial scan, you may need to run another scan after a certain amount of time.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner – Read the information

6. Go ahead and run the second scan, when you are clear to do so, you can see when to run this scan by hovering your mouse over New Scan in the upper right hand corner. Then when you are presented with the screen below. Go through the log carefully, and un-check anything that you are sure is not malware. Deciding by the detection rate, I would say anything with more than 6 detections is safe to leave checked.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner

7. The items under the inconclusive header should be safe they are unchecked by default, they should stay that way.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner

8. If you are unsure about anything then click the save results button, and post the log in our forums. We will be happy to look it over for you, so that we can remove any Malware, Spyware, Search Hijackers and Viruses from your computer.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner

9. Once you have examined each item carefully, you are ready hit the Remove Checked button. This will begin the removal of any Malware, Spyware, Search Hijackers and Viruses from your computer. The removal of these items will be permanent.

Herd Protect Multi Engine Cloud Scanner

10. Click yes, after reading the short paragraph.

10. Then click yes, when asked if you would like to Create A Restore Point!!

That is it, once the program has removed all malware you may need to reboot your machine, even if the program does not request that you reboot, I would suggest a reboot anyway. Like I said before, if you are unsure about anything, then click the save results button and post the log in our forums. We will be more than happy to look it over for you.

If you have any questions about this tutorial, please feel free to Sign up to our forums and we will assist you with any issue you may have regarding this tutorial. If you would like one of our Experienced Malware Techs to look over the log produced by Herd Protect multi engine scan tool, please post your request for assistance in our Virus, Spyware and Malware Removal Help forum.

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