In this article we are going to take a look at a pst repair tool developed by Using a PST repair tool, you can recover damaged outlook files and hopefully saves all those mails you might have lost otherwise. Please be aware that we still recommend you backup regularly to avoid these kinds of problems. But most of the time when people are searching for these kind of tools it’s too late.
That’s where sfware recovery software and especially this program might be helpful.
How does it work?
The program works quite initiative and is easy to understand however we are going to walk you through it. We will use mostly stock images from the developer their website and some of our own to ensure our privacy due to mails containing a lot of personal information. When you first start the application you’re greeted with a welcome screen.

You firstly open the PST file on your system, but if you’re not technical then SfWare PST repair tool can also search your system and find the file automatically. Likewise, you can also choose your outlook profile which you created when you used outlook for the first time to find the correct file.
You can see how the search works in the image below. You can select your primary drive (in most cases the PST is located on the Windows installation drive) and let it search for it.

Once you’ve completed those steps you simply choose where you want to save your repaired PST file. Be sure to remember this location carefully as we will need it later to open the PST file in Outlook. We can of course recover it, but we also need to open it again of course to see the mails.

In most cases a normal scan should be enough to find all the lost mails and restore the file completely. This kind of scan is the fastest and we recommend you try it first. If you think you’re still missing a lot of mails then make sure to use Smart Scan, this scan while taking longer, might be able to recovery more mails from a severely corrupted PST file. Once you’ve selected repair the screen below will open.

You will see a summary of the recovered files and you can choose to read some of them if you want to in the application. However, we are going to import it back into Outlook.
Firstly, begin by opening outlook and click on File, then choose Account Settings and choose Manage

Then once you’ve opened Manage Profiles, click on Data Files in the Mail Setup window.

Then click on Add and choose Outlook data file, and follow the steps on your screen.

We hope that this article has helped you on how to recover your PST file with this powerful tool created by SFware recovery software, the tool is easy to use and simply works. The steps are simple and there are no unnecessary steps that have to be taken. We’ve tried both scan methods on our damaged PST file which we always use for reviews and both scans had very good results. We recommend you give it a shot If you have a damaged PST file.