
Review: Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery

It can happen to any of us; loose our Windows product key and lose access to our computer. Luckily Tenorshare made a solution for recovering your Windows Password if this ever happens; Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery.

In this review, we will take a look at their solution, what it does, how it does it and if it’s any good. Let’s get started shall we?

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TenorShare Windows Password Recovery comes bundled with many features all designed for one thing; recovering your Windows Password with the least possible effort from your side.

The application you install on Windows is nothing else then a burner or USB flash drive creator, so there is not really much to say about it. It does the job of burning the disc and preparing the USB sticks and that’s really all that it was intended for.

Once you´re done burning the disc or USB flash drive you can boot your computer from it. If you set up your BIOS correctly then you will immediately boot into the Password Recovery tool, which should take a couple of seconds to minutes.

Once in the password recovery tool, you´ll see that you have multiple options such as Reset Windows Password, Remove Password, and Create a new Account


Once you´ve chosen for example Reset your Password you get an overview of all your accounts. You can simply choose the account of which you want to reset the password and enter a new password in the input fields below it. As can be seen in the image below.

Another feature that Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery got is the possibility to remove an Admin account of the computer while I fail to see the purpose of it, it might come in handy for someone else, who wants to reset his password and remove some old accounts.

But perhaps one of the best features next to the possibility to reset your password is the possibility to create a new admin account on your computer, which could be very useful if all your accounts are corrupted and you have no way to access your files or programs anymore. Creating a new Admin Account could give you back your access to your system.

Sadly the tool cannot seem to activate Disabled accounts, which would the make perfect. However due to the performance and the ease of which the features work we will still score TenshorShare Windows Password Recovery a solid 9 out of 10 on features.


Ease of Use

Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery is quite simply to use. It includes an entire guide on how to set up your BIOS to be able to boot from external mediums like a DVD, USB stick and so on. Which if not included could make changing the BIOS settings for non-novice computer users quite complex.

The process of resetting your password is really easy, there are only 2 real actions the user has to do, that is select the account and type a new password. The rest is done by the program in the back. Which makes Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery very easy to use by almost everyone.

Because Tenorshare is so simple to use we score it an 10 out of 10 on Ease of Use. There isn’t really much that could be improved, actually, I cannot think of something….


The design of Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery is a bit outdated, it’s simple and clear but the design is really outdated. It does not fit with the new modern design of Windows. While the password recovery tool itself works very good the design could really do some work. Below are some impressions of the program so you can see the design for yourself.

While we scored Tenorshare Windows Password Recovery quite good at Ease of Use and Features the design really did let us down a bit and only scores a 5 out of 10. It’s good to read however the design could do some work.

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