Want to run Disk Cleanup every time Windows starts to make sure you never have files on your system you don’t need? You can set-up Disk Cleanup to run at startup using the Windows Task Scheduler, how that works, we explain below.
Disk Cleanup removes unwanted files from your hard disk, including these:
- Downloaded Program Files
- Temporary Internet Files
- Offline Webpages
- Old Windows Installations
- Delivery Optimization Files
- Recycle Bin
- Temporary Files
- Thumbnails
How to Run Disk Cleanup on Startup
1. Start Task Scheduler. (Type Task Scheduler in the Start search bar, or press the Windows + R keys on the keyboard at the same time, then in the Run window type “taskschd.msc” without the quotes)

2. Click on Create Basic Task…
3. Fill in the name for your task, such as “Automatic Cleanup Tool”
4. Click on Next
5. You will now see the Trigger screen, choose “When I log on”
6. Now click on Next
7. You will now see the Action screen, choose “Start a program”
8. Click on Next
9. Under Program/Script fill in: “cleanmgr.exe” without the quotes
10. Under Arguments fill in: “sagerun:1” without the quotes
11. Click on Next
12. Confirm the settings are correct, then click on Finish
Delaying the Task (Recommended)
It’s recommend to delay tasks a bit, since Windows has more to do after signing in, you can delay the task by editing it, and adding it as condition. Since adding to many tasks at start-up can greatly impact your boot performance
1. Click on Task Scheduler Library
2. Double-click on the Task you just created, for example Automatic Cleanup Tool
3. Open the Tab “Triggers“, and double-click the trigger “At Log On”
4. Then at “Delay Task For” choose the time you want the task delayed for, I recommend 5 minutes.
5. Click on OK.
The task will now be delayed by the amount of time you set up.
We hope this tutorial helped you on how to run disk cleanup on startup, if you need more help feel free to visit our forums