
How to Fix Windows 8 Store Not Working

Method 1: Microsoft Store Diagnostic Program

  1. Download the tool:
  2. Start the downloaded file and click on Next
  3. Follow the instructions given by the tool.
  4. After running the tool succesfully, check whether the store works.

Method 2: Run WSReset.exe

  1. Open Modern UI (Start)
  2. Typ Wsreset.exe

Method 3 and 4 can be found on the Next page of this article.  

Method 3: Register the Store trough Command Prompt

  1. Open  Modern UI (Start)and typ CMD
  2. Right click on Command Prompt and choose Run as Administrator
  3. In command prompt enter the following command:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml



Method 4: Scanning for corrupted system files

Did none of these methods work? Then try to run SFC and DISM to solve your issues: Troubleshooting Component Store / System Files Corruption

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