
Is Windows Media Center supported in Windows 10?

Is Windows Media Center supported in Windows 10? is a question very commonly asked on all kind of online Windows forums but also on Social Media. The simple answer is, No it is not supported. Installing Windows 10 will remove Media Center and there is no way to get it back again.


Is Windows Media Center supported in Windows 10?
Is Windows Media Center supported in Windows 10?


Can Media Center be downloaded in Windows 1o?
No, Microsoft depreciated all support for Windows Media Center and will not add it back.


If I have Windows Media Center on Windows 8.1 will I keep it?
No, Windows Media Center will be removed from your computer, there is no way to avoid this.


Are there Alternatives?
The best thing you could do for now, If you really use Windows Media Center is to simply not upgrade to Windows 10, we know this is not the ideal answer, but it’s the truth. Microsoft will support Media Center for the following operating systems:


Alternative Software
There are other Media Center software solutions, we listed some of the best below, however they might not include all the features you use Windows Media Center for:


I only use Windows Media Center to play DVDs, How can I play them on Windows 10 without Media Center?
Windows 10 will include all codecs required to play DVDs and Blurays, if you need a player you can use Windows Media Player or use VLC Media Player for example.

We hope this answers your questions concering Media Center on Windows 10, if you require more help then feel free to visit our forums and ask your questions there.

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