Recovery Useful Tips Windows 8

How to Boot into Safe Mode in Windows 8

Are you have problems to get windows to boot into safe mode? Have you tried both F8 and Shift+F8 and they don’t work? That’s.

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Troubleshooting Useful Tips Windows 8

How to fix eduroam on Windows 8

Windows 8 should be easy to connect to eduroam. Simply go to your wireless networks and click on “eduroam”, enter your username and password.

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Useful Tips Windows 8

Windows 8.1 What kind of maintenance does it need?

You’ve just installed Windows 8 .1 and you’re thinking… What do I need to do on a daily, weekly or monthly base to.

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Useful Tips Windows 8

Default File Associations

A full overview of all Default File Associations. This list is for reference after changing default programs, this list was complined right after.

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