Freeware Reviews Software

Windows 8 Free Security Applications

There are thing in life that are almost to good to be true. The sun for instance can make us feel warm and it.

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Weekly comic: Windows Evolution

[alert-announce]Life is not always serious =) We use this section to promote some of our favorite technology related comics. Have fun![/alert-announce]

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Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Windows 7 Windows 8

How-to fix 0x80072F8F A security error occurred.

0x80072F8F is a very common error when attempting to activate Windows. The cause for the error "a security error occurred" is plain simple:.

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Troubleshooting Video's Windows Windows 8

FIX: The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll

This article will explain how to solve the error "The ordinal 42 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xlive.dll" when.

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