Featured Malware Ransomware

Beware Of Ransomware Ratcheting Up Attack Levels

Research reports by security companies worldwide indicate that new forms of ransomware are infecting computers across the globe. One such ransom ware that is currently continuing to infect terminals and which has been in the news a lot lately is CryptoLocker. Ransomware is a kind of malicious virus software that hackers and cyber terrorists employ in holding a computer or specific computer files containing important data for ransom, commanding money from the owner to retrieve the files. Unfortunately, ransomware is becoming a worldwide threat and is being seen as an increasingly popular way of extorting payments from organisations and individuals for malware developers.

Particularly targeted within United States and UK, the perpetrators of CryptoLocker have been spreading this malware in large numbers to various people through back door Trojans, password stealers, downloaders, spam ad clicks and more. It is seen that this particular malware often comes on its own via e-mail or is downloaded on a terminal by an infected BYOD.

Although there is no geographical limit on who can be affected by this particular malware, tens of thousands of machines have already been infected and it is estimated that these cyber terrorists have sent out millions of e-mails to unsuspecting readers. People who have had their computers affected by malware report that majority of their data files get encrypted and they are given a deadline by which to make payments, failing which the files will be deleted.

Ransomware is an extremely scary proposition and if the system has not been properly prepared and securely guarded, it can wreck your peace of mind and all the data stored in your computer. In order to help keep ransomware from wreaking havoc on your computer, here are some few tips that can help in keeping the nuisance at bay:

1. Continue to regularly update and backup your data

The best way to defeat ransomware is to regularly back up your data and update it. In the event that you are attacked with a malware, you will be able to restore your system if you have religiously backed up your files onto a virtual or hard drive. Getting into a regular backup regimen can help in preventing from being snared into the demands of extortion.

2. Reveal all hidden files extensions

CryptoLocker usually arrives in files that have an extension “.PDF.EXE”, and relies on the default behaviour of Windows to hide specifically known file extensions. It will be easier to detect suspicious files if the ability of reviewing all full file extensions is implemented by the primary user.

3. Install reputable anti-virus and anti-malware software

It is extremely important to have good antivirus software installed on your computer that is updated on a regular basis and runs frequent scans on the computer regularly. Having an effective anti-virus and anti-malware software will bring your attention to certain issues that you might not be aware of. However, it is reported that developers of the CryptoLocker software are extremely adept in hiding their malware from antivirus software and are constantly adapting and involving the malware to avoid detection.

It is absolutely and positively important to maintain an ongoing supervision and monitoring of data to secure PDF files. All access control settings on any network shared by an individual must be reviewed thoroughly, whether at home or in the office. It is extremely critical that no entity must be granted access to write on files that must only be read. In addition, administrator privileges must not be given to user accounts as such privileged accounts can cause destruction across the network.

In order to protect your files and important data from being viewed by third-party entities, opt for LockLizard PDF DRM solutions that safeguard your data from being tampered and viewed, without your permission.

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