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How to block any program from accessing internet.

There may be a variety of reasons, that you want to program from accessing internet. We are not going to get into the technical side of why this program should be blocked from accessing internet. Or why that program should be allowed to access the internet. Simply you searched for how to block a program from accessing internet, and you found this guide so lets get started.

Installing the needed software, to block programs from accessing internet.

Firewall App Blocker

Everything Search Engine.

To easily block a program from accessing the internet with Firewall App Blocker,  simply drag & drop the icon of the program that you wish to block from accessing the internet into the User Interface.

Once you have dropped the program that you wish to block from accessing internet. You will need to click on the blue check mark at the top left of the program. This will block the selected program from accessing internet.

Adding the option to block programs from accessing internet via the context menu.

Simply click on the option and select: Add to exe Context Menu.


Using the Everything Search Engine, to find programs to block from accessing internet.

Using  the Everything Search Engine is easy to assist in blocking programs from accessing internet. Open the Everything Search Engine.  Say you wish  to disable sppsvc.exe from accessing internet. After you have the Everything Search Engine open, you can simply type sppsvc into the search window.

[symple_highlight color=”blue”] You would simply then right click on the .exe and select block in windows firewall.[/symple_highlight]



Another way you can block programs from accessing internet,  is simply type .exe into the Everything Search Window. Scroll to the  .exe that you wish to  block from accessing internet,  and  right click & select Block in Windows Firewall.




Reverting Changes Made if needed.

To delete the rule in the firewall, you  uncheck it in the FireWall App Blocker GUI, then click on the FAB5 button.

Of course this can be done manually, but who wants to read through all that technical stuff when you can perform this task simply and effectively with little effort.


Here are also two freeware programs, that are an effective and light options to enhance the windows firewall. These programs let you decide what is incoming and outgoing, on your machine.  Blocking programs from accessing the internet, has never been simpler than now.

Tiny Wall.

Binisoft Firewall Control.

If you have any issues with this guide or blocking a program from accessing the internet, please feel free to post in our forums. 

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