In this tutorial, we will show you how you can the PowerShell version in Windows 10/8.1 and 8. Windows 10 comes with PowerShell pre-installed and it should be kept up to date automatically by Windows Update. However if you want to find out what your PowerShell version is in Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 then this article is what you are looking for.
In the past, we explained, How to Run a Powershell Script on Windows 10, How to Open PowerShell in Windows 10 and How to Kill Processes with PowerShell. Now we will explain how to check the PowerShell version in Windows 10.
How to check the PowerShell version in Windows 10
1. You’ll, first of all, have to start PowerShell. If you don’t know how you can start PowerShell then see this article How to Open PowerShell in Windows 10.
2. Once PowerShell has started you can begin by typing the following command and once you’re done typing the command then press the Enter key to confirm.
3. You will now see the version table of PowerShell as shown in the image below. This version table contains the version number of the installed PowerShell as you can see my installed version is 5.0.10586.63

Fun fact is that the 3rd part of the PSVersion is in almost every case the same as the build number of your Windows installation if you have the latest version of Windows. We hope this tutorial helped you on how to check the PowerShell version in Windows 10.
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