In this article we will show you how you can find out when you installed Windows on your system. This can be useful to find out if you still have warranty or a service contract on your computer since you can see when you first installed Windows on your computer. Please do be aware that this is the installation data and does not have to match the date you first started to use the computer.
The only thing you will need to complete this guide is to know how you can access Command Prompt, and even that we explain!
When Did I Install Windows? How can I find the Installation Date?
1. Right-click or tap and hold the Windows icon, then choose Command Prompt
2. Then once the Command Prompt window has opened, type the following command and hit enter.
3. Systeminfo will then start to scan your system, wait a couple of seconds for this to complete. Once it has a completed an entire list with data will appear.
In this list look and find “Original Install Date”. That is the data you were looking for.
We hope this short article answered your question on “When Did I Install Windows? How can I find the Installation Date?”