Tutorials Windows Windows 10

How to disable Windows Firewall in Windows 10

In this post, we will show you how to turn on and turn off the Windows Firewall feature in Windows 10. Please do keep in mind that Windows Firewall is constantly protecting you and by disabling it you could potentially harm your computer. Always make sure you have a third party application for replacing Windows Firewall or to only disable it for a very short time period.

How to Turn off (Disable) Windows Firewall

1. Begin by right-clicking or tap and hold the Windows Start icon, then choose Control Panel.

2. Once in Control Center click on System and Security

3. Then click on Windows Firewall


4. On the left-side you will see the option “Turn Windows Firewall On or Off” once you clicked on that you will have two options available to you, select your preferences and then click on OK and exit.

  • Turn on Windows Firewall
  • Turn off Windows Firewall (Not Recommended)

If you don’t have these options or you can’t click on “Turn Windows Firewall On or Off” then you probably have a third party protection software installed like ESET, Norton or Mcafee for example. Use the settings in those programs to disable the firewall.


We hope this small post helped you on how to disable Windows Firewall in Windows 10. If you have any comments please do feel free to comment on this article.

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