Youtube Video:
1. There should be a file path in the error message you receive, write this down, then go to the location where the folder is located (for example C:usersdocumentsabcde) and right-click the folder (1) then click Properties (2)
2. Now click on the tab Security (3)
3. Now click on Advanced (4)
4. Now click on Change (5)
5. In the box (6), type your username, then click on Check Names (7). It’s normal that your name will be replaced.
6. Click on OK
7. Check the box Replace Owner on subcontainers and objects (8)
8. Check the box Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object (9)
9. Click on Apply
10. Click on OK on the warning.
11. Click on Add (10)
12. Click on Select a Principal (11)
13. Now type Everyone (12) in the box and click on Check Names (13), then click OK
14. Click on OK again
15. Click on Apply
16. Click on OK
The issue should now no longer appear when trying to change folders or libraries. If it still does then try to change the permission of the root folder (the lowest folder in the chain) and see if that solves the problems your facing.
If you need more help then please comment below and we will be glad to help you further.