Troubleshooting Windows Windows 8

FIX: 0x80246013 when Installing Apps

0x80246013 can occur when you are trying to install Apps from the Microsoft Store. This problem has been around for some time now, and it keeps popping up. I have gathered some of the best answers, on how to solve this issue.

Run the Apps Troubleshooter

The first thing you should always do, is to run the Apps Troubleshooter released by Microsoft to make sure the most common problems are automatically diagnosed and solved.

The troubleshooter can be found here


Sync your Licenses

If a license for an app is out of sync with the license installed on your PC, the app might stop working. This can be easily resolved by following the steps below.

1. Open the Windows Store

2. Open the right-charm (Touchscreens by swiping in from the right-side of the screen) by moving your mouse to the right-lower corner of your screen

3. Then click on Settings

4. Then click on App Updates

5. Then click on Sync Licenses

Wait for this process to complete, once it’s done, close the Windows Store and open it again, then try to install the App again.


Disable your Security Suit

If you are using a Firewall or an Internet Security suit, then try to disable for a couple of minutes, and within that time try to install the App. If it now works then your Firewall might be configured the wrong way. This a is a common reason for the 0x80246013 error


Make sure Windows is update

Not a common reason, but a good thing to check is that your system is fully up-to-date with updates.

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