If you’re using an online conference program or are trying to stream online and your Microphone isnt working it can be quite frustrating. In most cases the solution is quite easy. However, if you don’t know where to look then it could be a hard thing to resolve.
In this tutorial we will show you the most common troubleshooting steps for issues regarding your Microphone. While this article was especially written with browsers in our minds it will also work for other programs like Microsoft Skype, Teamspeak, Microsoft Teams and so on. Simply replace the browser name with that program.
Make sure your Microphone has selected
The first thing we want to make sure is that you didn’t disable the microphone by accident. Also please be sure everything is plugged in, but we assume you already did that.
First begin by opening the Windows 10 settings menu and choose System

Once there look for the Sound menu button on the left side, and then scroll down till you see Input. Make sure there is a Microphone selected. If not try to select a Microphone and try again.

Make sure the device is enabled
Did you choose a microphone and is it still not working? Then check to see if the device is enabled. Go to the same settings as the previous chapter and click on Manage Sound Devices

Be sure that all devices are enabled, if any device is under Disabled then try to click the device and then click on Enable. Once you’ve done that try to use the microphone again.

Is your microphone still not working? Then try to see if you have blocked access to the Microphone for that program.
Check your Privacy Settings
Another reason for your Microphone not working could be because your privacy settings is blocking your Microphone. let’s check that.
Go to the Windows 10 settings screen and choose Privacy

In the left pane menu under App permissions go to Microphone once there click on Change under Allow access to the Microphone on this device.

Now turn off this feature and try to see if your microphone is now working in your application of choice. Is it working? Then continue reading, if it’s still not working than this article will not help you, perhaps your microphone is damaged or something else is wrong.
If your Microphone is now working then turn back on the Microphone control again. Scroll down and find the application your trying to use with your Microphone

If the program is listed, then remove it and try to use your Microphone again.
We hope this article has helped you on how to tackle Microphone issues in Windows 10 while using Microsoft Teams, Web apps, Browsers and other programs. Need more help? Leave a comment behind!