This is a very uncommon error within Windows and should normally never occur, however there are some cases where this error seems to popup. The main reason is that the IRPStackSize is set to a low value, changing this should solve the error in most cases.
[alert-warning]This post includes the use of Regedit. Using this program wrong could render your system unusable or unstable. Please always follow each step as precise as possible, do not continue if you have any doubt of what you’re doing. The Terms and Conditions of WindowsInstructed apply on all posts including this one. [/alert-warning]Resolving this problem
To resolve [symple_highlight color=”red”]not enough storage is available to process this command[/symple_highlight] try to execute these steps and see if the problem goes away.
1. Press the Windows + R key at the same time on your keyboard, then type Regedit.exe in the Run window and click on OK.

2. Then Unfold HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SYSTEM, then CurrentControlSet, then services, then LanmanServer, then Parameters.
3. Locate IRPStackSize (If found skip to step 5), If it does not exist then right-click the right Window and choose New > Dword Value (32)

4. Now type IRPStackSize under the name, then hit enter.
5. Right-click IRPStackSize and click on Modify, then set any value higher then 15 but lower than 50 and click OK

6. Restart your system and try to repeat the same action as you did when the error occurred.