Word by default shows the word count in the status bar on the bottom of the application. However, you might want to add the word count to your document to show how many words you used in your document. In this tutorial, we will answer the question “How do I insert the word count into my document?”. Let’s get started!
This tutorial applies to Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.
Inserting the Word Count into your Word Document.
1. Open your Word document and then, first of all, choose where you want to add the Word Count as shown in the image below.
2. Once you set the cursor where you want to add the word count click on the Insert tab.
3. Once you are in the Insert tab click on Quick Parts and choose Fields

4. Then when the Field window has opened, find NumWords in the list and then click on OK to add it to your document

5. The number of words in your document will automatically be added where you had your cursor.
The number of words does not automatically update once you start adding more words, to update it again right-click on it and choose Update Field.
We hope this Office tutorial successfully answered your question “How do I insert the word count into my document?” and that you are now able to add the word count in Word 2016, Word 2013, 2010 or 2007.