If you want to see the amount of ram you have installed in Windows 10 then you have several options, some of them are easy some of them are quite complex. We will show you the three easiest ways to see how much RAM you have installed in your computer.
We will first show you the easiest way to see how much ram you have installed and then another easy way. Let’s get started shall we?
Method 1: Using System
1. Begin by right-clicking or tap and hold the Start button and then choose System
2. Once System has started, find and then read the number after Installed Memory (RAM) this is the amount of RAM currently installed.

Method 2: Using Settings
You can also use Settings to see the amount of RAM you have installed in your system if you are using Windows 10. To do this simply follow the steps below.
1. Click or Tap on Start and then choose Settings
2. Then choose System
3. Then choose About
4. Find and then read the number after Installed RAM this is the amount of RAM currently installed.
Method 3: Use Task Manager to see the amount of installed RAM.
1. Right-click the taskbar or press and hold the taskbar, then choose Task Manager (You can also use the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC key combination)
2. Then choose the Performance tab
3. Then click or tap on the Memory button in the left pane menu.
4. You will now be able to see how much RAM memory is available in your system.