In this article we will show you how to connect / link your android phone with your Windows 10 device. No matter if you have a laptop, desktop or tablet Windows 10 device. This article will show you how to connect your android phone. And believe us, it’s really easy!
Let’s get started connecting your android phone to your Windows 10 desktop. Please make sure to have the latest Windows and Android updates installed.
Connecting your Android device to your Windows 10 device.
Begin by opening the Windows 10 settings menu. You can do this by click on the start icon and then on the cogwheel.

Once you’ve done that go to Phone and click on Add a Phone

Choose the correct country code for your phone and type in your phone number. No worries, this is only used to sent a download link to your phone. Their should be no hidden costs (at least not for us, do read the terms of conditions that apply to you).

Follow the instructions in the text message to download the app on your Android Device. After installing the app give all the permissions you feel comfortable with. Be aware that this does not allow you to see the notifications of your android device.
Be aware that the app Microsoft sents you in the text message replaces your current Android launcher. We didn’t like it and disabled that. Simply double-tap your home button and choose your old launcher as default for all
If you want to receive notifications on my Windows 10 device from my Android phone.
If you want to receive notifications on my Windows 10 device from your Android phone. Then be sure to go to the Google Play store and download the Microsoft Phone Companion. You will need this app to see all the notifications your receive on your Windows 10 device as well. Be sure to also install the Your Phone app from the Microsoft store.

If you did everything right then your device should be shown as connected on your Windows 10 device.