
How To Optimize Your Computer For Gaming.

This guide will show you how to optimize your computer, for a better gaming experience. Also, have a generally smoother running computer.


[symple_highlight color=”blue”]This guide can be used to speed up any machine, it is not just for gaming machines[/symple_highlight]


First thing that you will want to do, is download and install CCleaner. You will want to open the program once installed, and hit the tools button, then the startup button. You will then disable every start, up besides your antivirus. Then you will then go to the scheduled task tab, and do the same.




Check for more useless scheduled task, with Autoruns.


Next step is to download Autoruns.exe.

We will be looking for more scheduled task, that CCleaner does not list. Once you have download Autoruns, unzip it to your desktop. Right click on Autoruns.exe and run it as administrator. Then you will go to the Scheduled task tab, disable or uncheck all items, unless they relate to your antivirus application.


[symple_highlight color=”blue”]I would suggest that you go ahead and reboot your machine, after these two steps.[/symple_highlight]

Clean up useless files, and tweak windows settings.


Here are a couple of excellent tools, that clean out a lot of trash from your computer, important when you are trying to get the most out of your computer.




[symple_highlight color=”blue”]Changing a single windows setting, can help performance as well.[/symple_highlight]


Now lets go into windows settings a bit, and remove some unneeded settings.

Hit the P8CoIvt.png Windows 7 or Vista machine is running a bit slower than it used to. slower button.

Right Click on Computer and select Properties.

Now Select Advanced System Settings.

fHfOPww.png Windows 7 or Vista machine is running a bit slower than it used to. slower

Performance Settings.

QfdqyzJ.png Windows 7 or Vista machine is running a bit slower than it used to. slower

Now Select Adjust for best performance.

GglVFS0.png Windows 7 or Vista machine is running a bit slower than it used to. slower

Hit Apply, then ok your way out of there.



Next thing is to check out whether or not your machine, has a lot of bloatware installed.


There are three tools, that you can use to help you decide what needs to go. Personally, anything that comes pre-installed on any of the machines I purchase, hit the recycle bin immediately. These programs, a lot of the time will have useless services running on the machine, and you will never use them, that is why they need to go.



Decrap My PC

Should I Remove It.

Checking to see if your computer can handle a certain game.



You should also know what your machine can handle, whether or not you have the specs to run a certain game. Can you run it will tell you exactly that, you must have the latest version of Java installed on your computer, in order to run this. If your game is having issues with Java, I have written a guide on that as well.


Simply go to the site, and type the name of your game in the highlighted area. This program will tell you if your machine has the specs capable, of running a certain game.



Clean installing your graphics driver, with Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU).



Your graphics card is a big part of gaming, as you already know. You will need to download and install Display Driver Uninstaller. Unzip the program to your desktop, then reboot your machine into Safe-Mode xp through 7 Windows 8 Windows 10.


Select the Clean & Restart button.

Follow any prompts and reboot the machine manually, if the program does not do so.


[symple_highlight color=”red”]You will need new drivers at this point.[/symple_highlight]


Installing latest drivers for your GPU.


For Nvidia Users Click Here.

For AMD Users Click Here.

For Intel Users Click Here.

Optional DriverMax

Optional Snappy Driver Installer.

Overclock your processor

Defragging  your HDD for optimum performance.


[symple_highlight color=”red”]Defragging Is Not Needed For Solid State Drives.[/symple_highlight]


Download and install, Toowhiz smart defrag first. Install it then click on analyze now, then select defrag. This program is fast and efficient.


If you are looking for a deeper more advanced defrag, then I highly suggest the fully functional trial of Ultimate Defrag. As a matter of fact, you should run a defrag with this after the smart defrag, that was sorta a prefrag.


Make sure that your computer is not getting hot, and clean the inside from dust if needed.



Here are a couple of Youtube videos, that explain fairly well how to re-seat your hardware. While you are in there, clean out the dust, with compressed air.





[symple_highlight color=”red”]Before you open the machine, might be worth testing to see if you can add more ram. [/symple_highlight]



You can use this scanner, you can also use the scanner to find a compatible Solid State Drive,which could greatly increase performance.


Make sure there is no malware & spyware on your computer, also optimize the internet settings.

[symple_highlight color=”blue”] Optimize Internet Settings..[/symple_highlight]

Here is a guide that covers the basics, this should clean most crap from your computer. Although it mentions a specific infection, the tools are safe to run, and do a good job of cleaning general crap from your computer.


[symple_highlight color=”blue”] Check For & Remove Malware.[/symple_highlight]

Here is a guide that I wrote, that will speed up & optimize your internet connection. I have personally seen speed test gains of quite large, after running through this guide, as you can see here.



 Tweaking Services, to gain extra performance.



Download easy service optmizer, save it to your desktop and unzip it there. Right click it and run as admin, then select tweaked at the bottom. Then click on the rocket, this will turn off a lot of useless items.


You will however need to change one setting. Right Click on Wlansvc — WLAN AutoConfig, then select start service, the edit service.


Make sure it is automatic across the board, as per the picture.

[symple_highlight color=”red”]At this point you should reboot your computer again, to ensure all changes are made to the system.[/symple_highlight]


I found a few links, with solid information on gaming performance enhancement.



Link 1 – Life Hacker Quick Guide.

Link 2 – Wiki Guide On OverClocking.

Link 3 – A Guide On EVGA Over Clock Tool.



If you have any questions about this guide, then please feel free to ask them in our forums, where we offer free assistance for all computer issues.


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