Tutorials Windows Windows 10

Prevent Windows 10 from Automatically Restarting After Updating

Windows 10 by defaults automatically prompts for a restart. This period is however very long but some users really don’t want Windows to decide to reboot after X minutes have passed. We will explain how you turn this off.

[symple_box color=”yellow” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””] This tutorial uses GPEDIT.MSC. This is not available in all versions of Windows 10.

Turning off Automatic Restart

1. Press the Windows + R button on your keyboard and type GPEdit.msc.


1. Open Start and type gpedit.msc and hit enter


2. Unfold Administrative Templates under Computer Configuration.

3. Unfold Windows Components. 

Unfold Options 2-3
Unfold Options 2-3

4. Click on the Windows Update folder.

5. Double-click on No Auto-Restart with logged on users for scheduled automatic update installations. 

6. Check the Enabled box.

7. Click on OK

8. Close Group Policy Editor

Windows 10: Group Policy Tutorial
Windows 10: Group Policy Tutorial


These settings only take effect after a system reboot. We hope you liked this tutorial.


  • Len February 11, 2016

    7 months later, this still doesn’t work. 🙁 We’ve had that policy set from day 1; we have a number of sales people and such that really can’t have Windows Update randomly interrupting their presentation because Windows 10 noticed it had updates.

    It just blows through the Policy.

  • Michael B August 17, 2015

    I thought this would do it but it seems my Windows 10 Pro is ignoring that policy. I’m still getting automatic reboots.

  • Paul Ross August 2, 2015

    Perfect, many thanks! I’ve only had W10 install 2 days and it lost some stuff I had open last night!

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