Troubleshooting Windows Windows 10

How to Reinstall / Restore Preinstalled Windows Apps

Windows 10 comes with all kinds of preinstalled apps. Including Calendar, Contacts, Mail and so on. But what if you on accident removed these apps? What to do when you removed the mail app from your system or what to do when you removed the calendar app from your system? In this article we will help you restore these preinstalled Apps.

[symple_box color=”yellow” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Throughout this article we will work with PowerShell a command shell. Please make sure your executing the steps carefully or the command will not work! [/symple_box]

How to Reinstall / Restore Preinstalled Windows Apps

1. Head over to and download “” here.

2. Extract the files to your main disk. You might get a permission warning, click on Continue.

Windows 10: Extract to main disk


3. Then open start and type in the search box: “powershell”  then right-click powershell and choose Run as Administrator

Run as Administrator


4. Then type the following command in Powershell and hit enter afterwards.

CD C:\

5. Then type the following command in Powershell and hit enter afterwards. This command will change the Windows policies in such a way that unsigned scripts are allowed to be runned on the system. We need this to make the necessary changes to your system. No worries you will be fine!

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

6. Then type the following command in Powershell and hit enter afterwards. This will run the script to reinstall the Windows default apps on your system.


7.  Then type the following command in Powershell and hit enter afterwards. This command will change the Windows policies in such a way that the changes made in step 5 are turned back.

Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned


We hope this tutorial helped you to reinstall the default Windows 10 apps back on your system. If you require any more help, then our team is more than happy to help you personally on our forums which can be found at Thank you for reading!

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