Useful Tips Windows Windows 8

How to turn on Fast Startup in Windows 8.1

Fast Startups allows you to boot around 70% faster then you normally could. Windows does this by utilising the hiberfile.sys but thats all too.

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Featured Installation Windows Windows 8

Setup Dualboot installation in Windows

There are many reasons for people to install more than one OS on their computer. Maybe you want to run Linux next to.

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Featured Tweaks Useful Tips Windows Windows 8

The latest Themes for Windows 8/8.1

As most of you know, you can customise you Windows layout with the use of themes. While there are also other developers creating.

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Weekly Comic: The Windows loading bar

The author of the windows file copy dialog visits some friends

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Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Windows Windows 7 Windows 8

Windows Update: The endpoint is a duplicate (0x800706cc)

1. Start AVG 2. Click on Options 3. Click on Virus Vault   4. Locate files located in the Windows directories (C:\Windows\) and restore them from.

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