Useful Tips Windows 8

How to make Windows 8 App Shortcuts

Windows 8 features the all known app's from the Windows Store and the built-in app store. But what if you want those apps.

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Weekly comic: Windows Evolution

[alert-announce]Life is not always serious =) We use this section to promote some of our favorite technology related comics. Have fun![/alert-announce]

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Recovery Security Troubleshooting Windows 8

Use Windows Defender Offline to Remove Malware

There are times when your computers are contaminated by malware that is tricky to remove with conventional antivirus programming. On different events, the malware blocks.

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Useful Tips Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Vista

How to get a Window back on the Screen

Have you ever had this circumstance where one of your applications’ window simply got off the screen and vanished from your desktop? I.

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[Video] What not to do when Windows crashes

What not to do when Windows crashes [alert-note]This post has no solution to any Windows problem, it’s just to share something funny.[/alert-note] we’ve.

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Windows 7 Windows Vista

How To Access The Recovery Environment In Windows.

How To Access The Recovery Environment In Windows Vista and Windows 7. Hello WindowsInstructed Readers, I am NBK*Twitch and in this tutorial I.

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