This error can appear randomly when you’re doing work on your system or when you try to game, but what causes it and how can you solve it? We will answer that question in this post and hopefully solve your problems
There is however something very important you should remember, Windows has RAM and virtual memory
- RAM are physical hardware inside your computer and are installed when you bought your system, you can however upgrade them
- Virtual Memory is space that Windows uses on your hard disk to allocate files just like it does with RAM.
However this information is not relevant to you solving your problem.
Determining if a program is causing this problem
As soon as you receive a message that your computer becomes low on memory when you run certain programs then one of these program might have a Memory Leak. These memory leaks are not something you can repair, check for updates of the software or contact the software programmer.
To check which program is using the most memory, follow these steps:
- Right-click your taskbar
- Click on Task Manager
- Click on More Details
- Click on Processes
- Click on Memory

The program at the top of the list is using the most memory, close the program and see if your program or game is now working.
Troubleshoot Method: Increase your virtual memory
A way to fix this problem is to increase your virtual memory, so Windows has more space to store the allocated files, this does work in most cases.
- Open Start
- Type “Advanced System Settings“
- Click on Advanced System Settings
Advanced System Settings
- Click on Advanced (Selected by default)
- Click on Settings under Performance
Performance Settings - Click on Advanced
- Click on Change… under Virtual Memory
Virtual Memory Settings - Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box
- Click on the Drive where you wish to change the pagefile, I recommend C: or your SSD drive if you have it.
- Click on Custom Size
- Type the Size in MBs, make sure you enter MORE then the recommended size
- Click on Set
- Click on OK

Reboot your system and see if all programs now work without problems.
Troubleshoot Method 2: Increase your RAM
If your system keeps running on more than 90% RAM you should perhaps install more RAM memory in your system, refer to your computer handbook to learn which and how you need to install it.