Tutorials Windows Windows 10

How to Upgrade to Windows 10 Manually?

If you want to upgrade your system to Windows 10 but don´t receive the free upgrade or if your still waiting on the upgrade then you can download and upgrade your system manually to Windows 10. It´s way easier then you might expect. We will explain how you can accomplish it.

[symple_box color=”white” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]Be sure to always choose Upgrade in any step on the way! If you choose anything else your current Windows license might not be valid anymore and you will need to buy a Windows 10 license. [/symple_box]

How to Upgrade to Windows 10 Manually?

[symple_box color=”yellow” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]If you have an internet connection where you pay per use then please know that your about to download huge amounts of data. Around 3GB. [/symple_box]

1. Go to the Microsoft website where you can download a Windows 10 installation medium.  You will not need to enter any licenses for this.

[symple_button url=”http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=616935″ color=”grey” size=”default” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Download 32-bits. [/symple_button][symple_button url=”http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=616936″ color=”grey” size=”default” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Download 64-bits. [/symple_button]

2. Start the tool you’ve just downloaded an d then wait for the screen “Getting a few things ready to disappear” to finish loading.

3. Once you see the screen “What would you like to do” appears choose “Upgrade this PC now” and click Next.




4. The installation tool will now download Windows 10 on your system. Depending on your connection speed this may take a while.

5. Once downloaded Windows will check for updates and if you can keep your files. Make sure that it says you can (Keep personal files and apps).


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6. Click on Install.


Windows will now begin to upgrade your system. This can take some time. We hope this guide helped you to manually upgrade to Windows 10.


  • Tony July 18, 2016

    My original comment seems to have gone astray, so here it is again. I downloaded the Windows 10 installation medium but it refuses to download Windows 10. It hangs when checking for updates and makes no further progress.

    I am finding all this very disappointing. When I upgraded my own laptop last year it all went smoothly. I am now trying to put Windows 10 on my wife’s machine and it is a nightmare. What has gone wrong?

  • Ken July 9, 2016

    OK, Manual downloaded the files, BUT now it’s stuck Checking for updates.
    Any work around?

  • Tony July 4, 2016

    Sorry – I meant the Get Windows 10 app, of course.

  • Sue February 18, 2016

    Hi Yuri, I tried to download Windows 10 manually per your instructions. I received a message that said the my computer’s architecture was incompatible and to use the right architecture. I have no idea what architecture is nor where to find out what type my computer has. Can you tell me how to find the information? Thanks, Sue

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