Tutorials Windows Windows 10

How to Find the Windows 10 Build Number

The Windows 10 build number tells you on which version of Windows 10 you are, while most consumers likely do not know or do not care about the Windows 10 build number they are on. While Windows Insider on the other side are a differend breed. Windows insiders want to know which Windows 10 Build Number they are on to check if they are running the latest build.

Let’s get started on how you can find the build number you are on in Windows 10.

Method 1: Using WinVer

The easiest way of finding your build number quickly is by using WinVer.

1. Press the Windows and R at the same time, a window Run will appear.

2. Once Run is shown, type WinVer in the box and hit enter.

Run WinVer

3. The About Windows window will pop-up telling everything you want to know about Windows 10.

Build Number

Method 2: Using MsInfo32

Another way of finding out the build number of your current Windows installation is by using MSInfo32. MsInfo32 gives you quite a lot of information about your computer like your processor speed, ram memory you have, and devices attached to your computer.

1. Press the Windows and R at the same time, a window Run will appear.

2. Once Run is shown, type Msinfo32 in the box and hit enter.

3. Wait for MSinfo32 to appear, this could take some time.

4. Once MSInfo32 is started make sure you are on the System Summary page. The row Version will contain the build number


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