Have you tried?
This guide is specific for for the error code 80073AA2 however, even in some cases this guide does not help. Please make sure you’ve read Windows Update is causing Problems first and tried those steps.
[symple_button url=”http://windowsinstructed.com.www603.your-server.de.www603.your-server.de/windows-update-is-causing-an-error/” color=”grey” size=”default” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=””]Read it here[/symple_button]Resolving the error.
[symple_box color=”red” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””] To resolve this problem adjustments have to be made to the Windows Registry, make sure you have a restore point or any other recovery method before executing these steps.[/symple_box] [symple_box color=”yellow” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””] DISCLAIMER: This method has been tried and tested on a Virtual Machine and worked without any major effects upon the stability of the system. However removing Windows keys from the registry is never without a risk. Please read our Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions
1. Press the Windows + R key at the same time, now type regedit in the Run window and hit OK.
2. Now Unfold HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then unfold SOFTWARE, then unfold Microsoft, then Windows, then CurrentVersion, then right-click WINEVT
3. Then choose Delete and confirm your action by clicking on YES.
4. Reboot your device and try to run Windows Update again.