Windows 7 Windows Vista

Windows 7 or Vista machine is running a bit slower than it used to.

[section_title title=Smart Defrag]

Smart Defrag

[alert-warning] (Do NOT defrag if SSD!)  [/alert-warning]


Download Smart Defrag


 Removing Phantom USB Drivers


  • Download to your desktop.
  • CLICK HERE to determine whether you’re running 32-bit or 64-bit for Windows.
  • Once the determination has been made open either the 32-bit or 64-bit folder.
  • Right Click the .exe on the inside of the folder and run as admin.
  • A command prompt window will open telling you what has been removed upon completion.
[alert-warning]All usb devices must be removed from your machine during this step, except your keyboard and mouse of course.[/alert-warning]

Install new programs without worry.


Tired of having extra toolbars etc, that sneak in with other installs? There is a program called Unchecky that will put a stop to that.


Windows Settings


Go ahead and Turn Windows Defender off . you will not miss it.

Now lets go into windows settings a bit, and remove some unneeded settings.

Hit the P8CoIvt.png button.

Right Click on Computer and select Properties.

Now Select Advanced System Settings.


Performance Settings.


Now Select Adjust for best performance.


Hit Apply, then ok your way out of there.



Now your machine should be running nicely, we should look into cleaning up the tools that we just used, also cleaning your system restore points as well.

Download DelFix by “Xplode” to your Desktop.

Right Click the tool and Run as Admin



Finally lets run a check disk on your machine, after all a healthy HDD means a speedy computer!

[alert-note]Please be aware that this scan can take up to a few hours, to complete.[/alert-note]
  1. Open Elevated Command Prompt.
  2. Click Start
  3. All Programs
  4. Accessories
  5. Right-click Command Prompt
  6. Click Run as administrator.
  7. Now type or copy and paste the command below.chkdsk /r
  8. Hit Enter.You will be presented with this.Type Y and hit enter then reboot your machine, allow the scan to finish.




  • SUBI October 12, 2014

    Good Info,

  • Ali Meguenni August 11, 2014

    Does this work with Windows 8.1 ?

    • Yuri August 11, 2014

      Hello Ali

      Yes most of these steps should be no problem at all, I cannot forsee any problems that could occur.

      If you need help with executing it then please do not hesitate to contact us through these comments

  • Igor July 20, 2014

    This guide has helped me so much. The tools in the guide are all free, the instructions are easy to follow, it’s impossible to make a mistake. I followed the instructions as written, my firefox & google chrome don’t freeze up now, and neither does my Windows 7. I bookmarked this guide so I can reference it later. Thank you Kris!

    • Yuri Pustjens July 20, 2014

      Hello, we love receiving such feedback from people using our website, I will of course pass your words to the author Kris.

      I’m glad your problem is solved 🙂

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