Useful Tips Windows Windows 8

How to turn on Fast Startup in Windows 8.1

Fast Startups allows you to boot around 70% faster then you normally could. Windows does this by utilising the hiberfile.sys but thats all too

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Troubleshooting Windows Windows 8

FIX: We can’t get to the camera roll right now.

The error we can’t get to the camera roll right now is a rare one and should in normal circumstances never occur on

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Featured Previews Windows 10

Windows 10 ShortCut Keys

[symple_box color=”gray” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””] Disclaimer: This post has been made for the Windows 10 Technical Preview. And is up to date till

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Adware Malware

PVCLdr64.dll is not designed to run on windows

When you receive this warning there is a big chance that you are infected with a Malware on your system, to be precise

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Troubleshooting Windows Windows 10

How-to Windows 8 dual-boot with Windows 10 Technical Preview

Windows 8 or 7 At least 20GB free space Windows 10 ISO (Download it here) burned on a DVD disk. Your system must be

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Featured News Previews Video's Windows 10

Windows 10: What is new?

Windows 10 bring a lot of changes to the Windows platform we got to learns in Windows 8, Microsoft has listened to customers

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