Software Windows

FIX: Windows Error 127

If you’re experiencing “Windows Error 127 when starting Itunes”, “Windows Error 127 while attempting to reinstall Itunes”, or “iTunes was not installed correctly..

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Software Windows

How-to Reset Internet Explorer

So your Internet Explorer has been infected with a Browser-Hijacker, or is having issues and you would like to reset it. This guide.

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Freeware Software

Best Free Windows Store Apps of March 2015

Best Free Windows Store Apps of March 2015 In association with, one of our proud partners, We’ve made a list of the best.

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Creating a Windows To Go USB stick the easy way

Remember in Jun when I first introduced you to Windows To Go in my article Windows To Go: Taking Windows 8 With you? I.

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Freeware Software Windows

Facetime For Windows

Do you know that feeling when you see a MacOSX user using Facetime on his Macbook? I have had the same problem, while.

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Featured News Reviews Windows

Finding the Best Windows Store Apps!

  App Feds What is it? Why should I use it? And how can I find the best Windows Store Apps? That were.

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