Troubleshooting Windows 7 Windows 8

Windows update cannot currently check for updates

This is a very unspecified error in Windows that you receive when Windows cannot check for updates, there are however some solutions for.

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Weekly comic: Windows worse?

[alert-announce]Life is not always serious =) We use this section to promote some of our favorite technology related comics. Have fun![/alert-announce]

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Security Troubleshooting Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Vista

FIX: Windows has blocked this software because it can’t verify the publisher

Internet Explorer can block Java and ActiveX objects on certain webpages which have not set a valid publisher or the publisher has been.

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Troubleshooting Windows 8

FIX: windows has detected an ip address conflict

When you are connected to any network using your Windows pc, all the computers using that network get an unique number assign to.

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Tweaks Windows 8

Disable Automatic Storage to Onedrive in Windows 8.1

A clean installation of Windows will be set-up in such a way that it will always save documents by default to your Onedrive.

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You think Windows 8 is too difficult? Think again…

In this youtube video, Microsoft will show you that Windows 8 really isn’t that hard to use. It’s child’s play you might say .

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