WindowsInstructed News

WindowsInstructed has been updated!

WindowsInstructed has been updated! Hello everyone, Welcome back to WindowsInstructed. Pepijn and myself are glad to present you the latest update to our.

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Windows 7 Windows Vista

How To Access The Recovery Environment In Windows.

How To Access The Recovery Environment In Windows Vista and Windows 7. Hello WindowsInstructed Readers, I am NBK*Twitch and in this tutorial I.

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Featured Tweaks Windows 8

Restore Libraries in Windows 8.1

Restore Libraries in Windows 8.1 You’ve just installed Windows 8.1 and notice that the libraries are gone, where have to go? Why are.

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Reviews Software

Best Antivirus for Windows 8.1 – June

Why do you need an Antivirus solution for your Windows installation Whenever someone is talking about antivirus software on the internet, someone always.

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Useful Tips Windows 8

How To: Hide the Contact Birthday Reminder on Windows 8.1 Lock Screen

Microsoft wants you to connect all your account with your Windows 8.1 installation in other to give you all sorts of ‘useful information’..

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Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows Vista

Catalyst Control Centre: Host application has stopped working

Are you getting the ‘Catalyst Control Centre: Host application has stopped working’ when ever you are trying to open the Catalyst Control Centre? Or.

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